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MBarak was born in the Sahara desert in Merzouga. His father comes from Sudan and as a young boy, settled in Khamlia with his parents.

Our Karawanserail is built on this ruin.

Previously, the family, Berber natives, moved from pasture to pasture, as the old tribes did.

MBaraks beautiful mother is an "Amaziriya" She is tattooed on the face and hands. These signs have faded till today, but are imperishable in her daily activities.

She has become the midwife of the village and above all, the "midwife to the origin of my heart".


I am an earth guardian. I take care of the earth because it took care of me as a child, without it I would not be who I am today.

My mother was a hazelnut bush. The snails were my children. Almost every evening I built a cozy home for them, gave them fresh grass to eat, made them comfortable, and then the next morning being totally disappointed to find that they had disappeared with their little houses on their backs.


This may have been the beginning of the Karawanserail. To build a house with your own hands. To build a house out of clay, where it is warm, where there is delicious food and where there is peace.


MBarak and I are separated by a quarter of a century.

We are the same in the heart.

What we want is the same: A simple life, to honor the elements and live with them not against them.

Pure water is healthy. Clean air is safe. A healthy earth provides healthy food. A fire cleanses and keeps us warm. If everything is good in the heart, it doesn't take much on the outside.


What`s so difficult for us in the western world is to recognize that everything is energy, not just every stone and every tree and every animal, but everything. We people are.

I surround myself with and what is around me.

How often do we enter a room and feel the thick air.

This is often neglected in the western world.

Perceiving subtle energy, paying attention to it plays an important role in the Orient.

Purity of body soul.

It will be of great importance in the future to get involved again in the connection with all elements.

We just forgot that we all come from the same source, that we have made an appointment.

We can hold hands and walk the path to our spiritual home together. Light and Love are one. We are that.


The earth, the world, the whole universe is in the midst of changing times.

The Age of Aquarius is here. The singing and swinging of the universe will increase. The common tone will change. The African people never stopped singing and dancing despite being captivated, despite being incapacitated and robbed. The movement of their bodies is music. They merge with their instruments. They never lost their spirit.


On a full moon night in the middle of the desert under a stary sky MBarak and I drummed and Allah put a seed in our hearts and now this seed is beginning to germinate and grow into a new better world.

This is what our place in Khamlia stands for.

Our caravan route will be open to people from all over the world. Holy ceremonies for Pachamama will take place on this ancient ground.

We will form circles. Circles born of circles, opening like a spiral that stretches from the earth to the sky and back.

We have a synthesis between Orient and Occident in mind. Love is the basis of every religion (religio=connection back to our origin).

Every peaceful act, no matter how big or small, is a thread in the global carpet of life and thus contributes directly to world peace.

We can transform ourselves into a single tone of love and sanctify the entire universe.

Our birthright is bliss, joy and love. We just forgot about it.

The masks are allowed to fall now, everyone will discover the gift they have brought with them and put it on our shared gift table. What a great joy is spreading there.

The world is sound and color. With our love we create places of light from continent to continent. We leave traces of light and spin a web of light all over the globe. A glittering, golden net in which drops of the new morning hang and become visible.

Let us become sparkling lighthouses and celebrate in our beautiful desert.

The time of slavery is over.



OM Shanti Om Shanti Om Shanti

 Inshallah - Salama

Manifesto von MBarak Elboukhari und Zaida Karnowski im Mai 2020

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